昨天在PTT Joke版看到的動畫
另外轉載一下PTT的machine139 (Nick)大大的角色翻譯
Mikey Fuccon(麥奇‧富康)
Mikey is a typical American boy. Having recently moved to Japan with his parents, he now attends American School, and spends his free time playing (or getting in trouble) with the other students at the school. Currently he has a crush on young Emily, a classmate of his, who has similar feelings, but love is far from simple for even the younger generations as the two are caught up in a complicated love triangle involving Laura, Mikey's slightly older cousin from the U.S. who came to visit and hasn't yet returned home. (Despite the fact no one knows where she is living.)
Mikey 是個典型的美國男孩。最近與父母一同搬家到日本居住,現在就讀美國學校,
他愛上了他其中一個同班同學 Emily,而 Emily 對 Mikey 也有相同的感覺,
但是愛情是談何容易? 即使是年輕的一代都陷入了三角戀的難題當中,
第三個人便是 Laura,比 Mikey 稍微年長幾歲的表姐,
她從美國來 Mikey 家拜訪以後,至今仍未返家。 (雖然也沒有人知道她現在到底住哪。)
In general Mikey loves and is loved by both his parents, but the neverending insanity that is their whiplash dialogue often tosses the young protagonist's allegiances around like lunches during junior high 5th period science class frog dissections.
大體上來說,Mikey 與他的父母們深深相愛著對方,
James Fuccon(詹姆士‧富康)
Mr. Fuccon is an American businessman transferred by his company to their Japanese branch. The breadwinner of the family, his days are spent at the office while some of his nights are spent out entertaining clients. Though he considers himself the head of the family, more often than not, his wife and son are apt to vote him out, and the serious undertones of Barbara Fuccon's threats to do him bodily harm should he ever cheat on her, seem to be more than idle. In fact, despite his love for his family, he has indeed cheated on his wife, and more than once at that. His latest tryst was with a Japanese woman in his office. Luckily, he hasn't been caught, and has broken off the affair since.
Fuccon 先生是一位被公司派到日本分公司的美國商人。他負責家裡的生計,
而他老婆 Barbara Fuccon 常常用言語威脅只要他出軌就會在肉體上傷害他,
In general, James is a good man with a good heart. He wants the best for his family, which can best be displayed by his fleet-footed returns home when his wife calls in the latest emergency.
大致上說起來,James 是個心地善良的好人。他想要給他家人最好的,
Barbara Fuccon(芭芭拉‧富康)
Barbara Fuccon is the perfect image of an American housewife in Japan: beautiful, smart, and concerned about her family's welfare -- well, most of the time. Although she's always on top of things at home, she's got a definite tendency to be ditzy at times. She loves her son and husband and always wants to be well thought of by the Japanese she interacts with in her daily life, especially Mikey's teacher. Usually things go well but if they don't, that's okay, because it's all part of life in Japan. A loving mother and wife.
Barbara Fuccon 是在日本當中最完美的一位美國家庭主婦的形象:
美麗、聰明、並且關心他家人的幸福。呃... 至少大部分時間都是如此。
尤其是 Mikey 的老師。通常事情都會安好,但就算不然也無所謂,
Tony & Charles(東尼 & 查理斯)
Tony and Charles (better known as the Twins) are a pair of young boys from England who attend American School with Mikey. A constant challenge for Mikey, these two boys have a speech pattern that could very well be considered an impediment. Dialogue between them starts off as a near copy of each other and quickly breaks down into a shouting match as they twist their words until they are the complete opposite of each other. Every conversation with them is nearly a carbon copy of the last, but underestimating them is a grave mistake. Clever and quick, these boys know how to work a room (into a frenzy). Despite their annoying habit, they are Michael's friends, and considered welcome in his home (as long as Mrs. Fuccon has been warned first).
Tony 跟 Charles (也就是所謂的雙胞胎) 是一對來自英國,
並且與 Mikey 就讀同一所美國學校的雙胞胎。對 Mikey 來說,
這對男孩知道如何讓氣氛熱絡 (進而邁入一種瘋狂的境界)。
雖然他們有這種令人困擾的習慣,但他們是 Mikey 的朋友,
並且是 Mikey 家庭很歡迎的客人 (只要 Fuccon 太太有事先被警告的話。)
A few years older than Mikey, Laura is the niece of Mr. Fuccon, who has come to Japan on a visit and seems quite content to never leave. Concerned only being entertained and doing something "interesting" at all times, she is a spoiled young lady who will do anything she can to get her cousin's attention. Showing only contempt for him in private, yet being a complete angel while in front of others, she revels in adding complexity to Mikey's life. In actuality, she's in love with her younger cousin.
比 Mikey 年長幾歲,Laura 是 Fuccon 先生的姪女,
並且為了引起表弟 Mikey 的注意力,什麼事情都做得出來。
在私下對 Mikey 表現出相當藐視的態度,在眾人面前卻宛如天使一般,
她相當喜歡替 Mikey 的生活製造麻煩。事實上,她愛上了她的表弟 Mikey。
Emily is Mikey's first love, and he'd do anything to impress her. Although Emily shares Mikey's feelings, it's quite common for outside influences, usually in the form of Mikey's cousin Laura, to interfere, spoiling their romance. Can Mikey manage to win the love of Emily in the end? A calming constant that brings stability to Mikey's life.
Emiley 是 Mikey 的初戀,Mikey 為了在她面前表現,什麼都願意做。
雖然 Emily 也喜歡 Mikey,但由於外在的影響,
通常都是 Mikey 的表姐 Luara 出來搗亂,搞砸他們兩人的浪漫氣氛。
Mikey 是否能在最後贏得 Emily 的芳心呢?
Emily 是 Mikey 生活中唯一能帶給他安定的人。
- Jun 12 Fri 2009 15:39
Oh! Mikey 好有梗的動畫